Wednesday, August 29, 2012




Hello!  My name is Emily Larson and I am a student at University of Colorado: Denver.  I am currently working towards recieving my degree in Secondary Eduation with an emphasis in Science.  This semester I am taking Introduction to Geography and we have been instructed to create a blog.  So I have chosen to write my blog on an Introduction to Northern Minnesota's (specifically the Boundary Waters) Physical Geography. 




Why Minnesota you ask?  Well I am from Minnesota and have always loved going up North.  Every Fall my dad used to take my sisters and I up to Northern Minnesota and out of all the places we would go, my favorite place is the Boundary Waters.  It is one of the most beautiful and serene places in the world, well at least in my opinion!  The Boundary Waters is a one million mile canoeing, fishing, hiking, exploring and seeing nature area, its absolutely amazing.  By chosing this area for my blog I really hope to learn about the geographical features this place has and help me to understand even more of why I love this place so much. 

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